
The Last Kingdom

If you’ve watched the video, you’ll remember how many times the speaker emphasized the point that the kingdom—in Daniel 2, 7, and 8—which arose after Greece extended to the time of the end, when God will establish His final kingdom.

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Ninety Per Cent There

In many ways, 1844 Made Simple can be boiled down to a few simple points, mostly built on something as basic and publically accessible as Daniel 2.

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Why Antiochus IV Is Not the Little Horn of Daniel 8 Listen to Cliff Goldstein’s podcast on Antiochus and the Commentaries Crucial to the interpretation of Daniel 8:9-14 is the identification of the little horn power, which dominates these verses.  Attempting to identify this little horn, commentators have applied three different methods (preterist, futurist, and historicist) of prophetic interpretation to the texts. Preterists teach that the majority Daniel’s prophecies…

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Joshua and the Angel

If the veil which separates the visible from the invisible world could be lifted, and the people of God could behold the great controversy that is going on between Christ and holy angels and Satan and his evil hosts concerning the redemption of man; if they could understand the wonderful work of God for the…
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Year-Day Principle

What evidence exists not only for the year-day principle but for our use of it in the prophecies, particularly in Daniel? Is the year-day principle valid? What justification do we have for applying it where we do, such as to the “two thousand and three hundred days” of Daniel 8:14?

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Evening Morning of Daniel 8:14

Though a literal rendering of the time expression in Daniel 8:14 reads: “And he said to me, Until evening (‘ereb) morning (bōqer) two thousand and three hundred, then . . .” modern scholarship commonly construes the 2300 evening-morning phrase to refer to the tāmîd (“regular, continual”) morning and evening sacrifices offered daily in the sanctuary–that…
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